

Well, I've done it.... I've taken the plunge. I've started a blog. What will come of it, who knows?

My plan is to:
-try to transcribe some of the many stories about daily life with my children
-most definitely share some of the billion pictures I have taken
-sneak in some random thoughts and or songs that pop into my head
-pass along any cool links I come across

-and lets face it....I may even complain now and again.

I may be only able to post once a week or maybe even more.

As for the title-- Once in recapping an especially notable day, a friend commented, "that's bloggable." She knew of my blog-reading habit/addiction and thought 'this day' worthy to share with all of the Internet! I don't remember the exact story-- it may have been when I left the house with the kiddos and nary a baby wipe!....my adventures are plentiful! Come along for the ride!

Thanks for Stopping!

PS-- feel free to leave a comment or twenty...blog love, baby!

PPS-- definitely will try to add to the format/layout...pretty plain right now!

