A Trip to the Zoo

The weather this April has been awesome, so we took a trip to the Indianapolis Zoo.

It wasn't a school field trip day (can't ever predict those), so it wasn't too busy/crowded. Thankfully I didn't have multiple heart attacks as I would on a visit the Children's Museum (on account of 'misplacing' one or both of the children).

We had a nice relaxing afternoon complete with a romp in the zoo's splash park. Obviously water play wasn't planned for during an April visit, but the 'packpack' (Henry-speak for backpack) was well equipped.

Here's the part of the blog post where I want to throw the computer out the window! Why can't it just read my mind and do what I want it to do!! Either our Internet is ridiculously, horrendously slow or I really just don't have a handle on this whole blogger thing!! Uploading/inserting pictures on these posts will be the bane of my existence!! (Yes, I know I can use photobucket...back to the Internet complaint).

Rant over. Now back to your regularly scheduled blog post:

I put the rest of the pictures in one PSE pictures to not have to mess (certainly other words I could have inserted there) around with uploading them all.

ROW 1--
A: the polar bear would swimming in circles and say "hi" up at the window
B: Audrey really wanted a closer look at the chickens!
C: Henry was definitely over posing for pictures

ROW 2--
A: trying to feed the ducks
B: Audrey splashing
C: more duck feeding

ROW 3-- Henry splashing

ROW 4--
The White River Gardens are next to the zoo (admission is included with zoo membership). They have a butterfly exhibit going on now. Lots of butterflies flying around and a large observation case showing various stages of metamorphoses. At the very back of the flowers there is a series of fountains. More water play ensued.

While the zoo is fun and all, after about 4 hours of animal watching and child wrangling, I'm about done. As I was trying to get the children to leave, this bit of brotherly love occurred.
Apparently Henry was more ready to leave than Audrey. He decided to "help" me lure her along. And, instead of rescuing the cranky girl, I'm taking pictures! Fabu!

Lastly, from the 'they fell asleep how?' files. After arriving home, it's pretty obvious that the children are more than tired. I take a sleeping Audrey inside to put her to bed, but she wakes up. I leave her in the foyer and go back outside to get a sleeping Henry. When I get back to the car, I find this. In the few minutes of taking Audrey inside, Henry gets a little more comfortable in his car sleeping! (NOTE: the car was PARKED in the drive way. I wouldn't think of letting him sleep like this on the open road).

After carrying a sleeping Henry upstairs, I come back downstairs and find Audrey asleep like this:
Do my children know how to sleep or what???

Either I take entirely WAY TOO MANY pictures or I'm making these posts entirely WAY TOO LONG! Will work on the editing!!

Have a good rest of the weekend! More posts in the works!!

Henry's 4th Birthday!

Having sort of abandoned the blog, it's kind of hard picking where to start from in terms of bringing it up to date. We've been taking advantage an unseasonable warm Spring with lots of playing outside and visits to the parks, playgrounds, and zoo. No need to bore you with the barrage of those pictures.

So, with that, here's the highlights of Henry's 4th birthday. (That reminds me--'the boy' and I need to get crackin' on his 'Thank You' cards!)

The big day, April 10, actually fell on a Saturday! A sunny and halfway warm Saturday at that! (In the three years prior, his birthday either fell just before Easter or it has been bitterly cold.)

Spongebob may have invited everyone to the Krusty Krab (of Mooresville), but guests partied it up in our backyard!

Once the big day arrived, Henry (and Audrey) had a blast. Mommy and Daddy can get pretty boring after a while, so it was a welcomed change to have a lots of friends and family to play with. The day included the usual eating, presents, and cake, but the big draw was the 4-wheeler! Even Grandma took a spin!

The big gift from Mommy & Daddy was a NEW CAR!! (D'oh! that's 'The Price is Right!'). What we really got him was a NEW BIKE!

Funny story about the bike....
To surprise him on his actual birthday, we waited until Friday night to put it together. Taking it out of the box at 8:30pm, we noted that the frame of the bike was bent and therefore not-put-together-able (what an awesome new word!). Toys R Us was closed and not opening on Saturday at 9am. Doing some online research, we learned that the store where we bought the bike was 'out of stock' on that model. We'd...err... Jesse would have to go to a store FARTHER away to exchange it. FABULOUS! So with the party prep in full roar at home, Jesse drives over 45 minutes to Toys R Us and assembles the bike in the store parking lot (to ward off any other part malfunctions!)

So much for highlights, eh? Now a final collage of birthday pics! Some winners; some not so much!

More posts to come....including (eventually) our mini-vacation to Patoka Lake, IN!

Just in time for Spring!

For the start of many planned blog posts, I decided to start with this. Toes.....Fabulous, Right?

Whilst picking a color during my pedicure, I thought, "Why not try something a little silly?"

With a four-year old and a(n) (almost) two-year old, it's hard to take oneself too seriously!

Be on the look out for most posts to come!!! PROMISE!

