No Win kind of Day!


Just as I was starting to think that the time change would work in Jesse and my favor..... we were woken up at 6:10 am this morning to Henry's sobs of just vomiting. Jesse and I tag team the clean-up and then try to eek out a catnap before starting the day.

Not so much, Henry on the way to the bathroom, doesn't quite make it to the toilet. We get the boy and floor cleaned up again and Jesse doesn't even bother try to go back to sleep. Cartoons go on and showering begins.

Bonus, though, Audrey doesn't wake up until 9:15am...SCORE!!

While Audrey is eating her breakfast, Henry is acting himself and tolerated some saltines. I decide maybe it was just a fluke bug and that the sickness (fingers-crossed) is behind us. I go ahead and make an vet appointment for our dog, Nala. They have an opening today! Hooray!

Before the Vet appointment, I thought we could swing in and get Henry's hair cut real quick. The standard treat for good behavior during a haircut is a Dum Dum lollipop. I hope for no whammy's and let Henry pick one out. On to the Vet...

At the Vet, we're waiting to be seen (Huh, waiting even at the Vet???) and apparently nausea sets in....I promptly ask where the bathroom is...."Where's the bathroom??? Where's the bathroom??? Where's the bathroom????" Twenty feet from the bathroom, Henry doesn't make it again!! The concerned staff gets the mop while the dog, Audrey, Henry, & I head in to the bathroom. All cleaned up-- Henry again acts normal. "I'm fine, Mommy."

After another 20 minutes of waiting for the Vet, we're seen, appointment goes somewhat smoothly (aside from Audrey turning off the lights mid-exam) and we're on our way HOME!

At home, Henry acts hungry. It's 1pm at this point....definitely past lunch time. Soup and toast for everyone!! Henry eats ~1/2 of each and even says, "I like this soup!!!" Since we're laying low, I decide to throw on some Spongebob for the kiddos and try to work on a craft project (Henry's tie-tee shirt). I get the project to its final stages and have Henry try it on. He's cute, but doesn't want me to take his picture. I'm coaxing him for a snap, I then realize it's a little too quiet. What's Audrey up to???


Audrey has climbed on the dining room chair, found a green felt tip pen, and has now successfully colored her hands green. Fabulous!! We all go up stairs to try to get the green off. As I'm looking for some sort of solvent, Audrey gets a hold of the toilet paper. Cute, but seriously, what next???



Not able to leave well enough alone, my own stubbornness decides that we can quickly run out to get Henry's birthday invitations printed. In and out....easy peasy. We leave the copy place unscathed and I tempt fate once again....attempt groceries. Wal-mart goes just about as well as it can go these days. We get checked out and in to the car.

Both kiddos fall asleep on the way home! BONUS!!!

As I'm unloading the car, Henry wakes up. His innards decide they didn't like the chicken noodle soup after all. The back seat (and thankfully not Audrey) got to taste it too! Two words.... Fuh- Breeze!

The day started with laundry and now as I type the contents of both car seats/boosters are agitating in the washer, too!

Definitely a no-win kind of day...a "that's bloggable" kind of day.

That's Bloggable, Indeed!

The Tour de Parcs continues...


I know this may not be riveting stuff for some of my "fans" (Wriggle Diggles!), but here goes...

Today the temps were in the 60s with the sun shining bright! Spring just might be on the way yet! With Winter wind chills in the negatives, we're more than excited about resuming our playground tour! Even just playing outside in the backyard, we've been making sure to soak up any warm (relative term) weather we can!

Random Thoughts...

Long Time, No See, huh?

Yes, I know it's been a while...

The kiddos and I visited my Mom & Brother in Evansville this passed weekend so I've been trying to play catch up.

There are random thoughts a plenty, though (A lot them pertain to the aforementioned weekend down in southern Indiana)

This weekend,
*I packed 5 pairs of underwear......but only 1 bra?
*Henry fell asleep at the dinner table not once, but twice (Grandmas and Uncles sure do wear a guy out!)
*When we arrived, Henry was quick to comment that, "Mommy has a thing so that we don't get lost." (GPS)
*I may or may not have pulled a mess load of baby wipes from the toilet (Thanks Audrey)
*While at my brother's house, Henry, more than once, deadlifted a curl bar with ~65 lbs. HE-MAN!
*My mother wears hearing aids. Henry asked her if they were her earrings :)
*The kids and I shared a bedroom....they are LOUD sleepers!!
*Thank goodness for Grandma's that let Moms sleep in (see above)!!!
*The drive from Indianapolis to Evansville sure is a boring one!

*Being gone for the weekend-- the number of blog posts in my Google Reader is out of control. I'm having a mini panic attack that there are close to 200 posts to catch up on!!
*I'm behind on sending out February pictures as well!! YIKES!
*I might have to throw my new alarm clock out the window....who cares if operator error is the culprit!
*Audrey now includes "MINE!" as a part of her daily vocabulary...FABULOUS!
*Henry is adamant that the wooden barn we were gifted from Jesse's Aunt is a house. Adamant!
*I really want to get my car washed...maybe we'll be done with snow for a while. Wishful thinking!
*Darn you "Young Money"-- Your "Bed Rock" song will not leave my head!!

There were more, but I guess that's it for now. Will work on that whole posting more often thing!!


