Random Thoughts...

Long Time, No See, huh?

Yes, I know it's been a while...

The kiddos and I visited my Mom & Brother in Evansville this passed weekend so I've been trying to play catch up.

There are random thoughts a plenty, though (A lot them pertain to the aforementioned weekend down in southern Indiana)

This weekend,
*I packed 5 pairs of underwear......but only 1 bra?
*Henry fell asleep at the dinner table not once, but twice (Grandmas and Uncles sure do wear a guy out!)
*When we arrived, Henry was quick to comment that, "Mommy has a thing so that we don't get lost." (GPS)
*I may or may not have pulled a mess load of baby wipes from the toilet (Thanks Audrey)
*While at my brother's house, Henry, more than once, deadlifted a curl bar with ~65 lbs. HE-MAN!
*My mother wears hearing aids. Henry asked her if they were her earrings :)
*The kids and I shared a bedroom....they are LOUD sleepers!!
*Thank goodness for Grandma's that let Moms sleep in (see above)!!!
*The drive from Indianapolis to Evansville sure is a boring one!

*Being gone for the weekend-- the number of blog posts in my Google Reader is out of control. I'm having a mini panic attack that there are close to 200 posts to catch up on!!
*I'm behind on sending out February pictures as well!! YIKES!
*I might have to throw my new alarm clock out the window....who cares if operator error is the culprit!
*Audrey now includes "MINE!" as a part of her daily vocabulary...FABULOUS!
*Henry is adamant that the wooden barn we were gifted from Jesse's Aunt is a house. Adamant!
*I really want to get my car washed...maybe we'll be done with snow for a while. Wishful thinking!
*Darn you "Young Money"-- Your "Bed Rock" song will not leave my head!!

There were more, but I guess that's it for now. Will work on that whole posting more often thing!!



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