10 on Tuesday--Need to use less words edition!

~Ten on Tuesday~

1-- A local Indy hip hop radio station has been playing a catchy, but not the most appropriate song on the radio lately. I was completely dumbfounded when I heard this song for the first time. I believe my first thought was, "really? did I really hear that?"

So, like what I do with every song that gets stuck in my head....I took it to work. My co-workers snicker and smile, but really? How dare "Young Money" defile the Flintstones?!?!?!

Not the most profound of song lyrics, but catchy nonetheless...

More than anything, I think it's the beat and the 'hook' that get me....Now instead of switching away fearing Henry asking about "bed rock," I have caught myself maybe even turning it up! Yikes!!

2-- I'm slowly getting up the nerve to make Henry a shirt for his birthday/pictures. I have the t-shirt and the fabric, but haven't quite gotten the courage to attempt to make the actual tie or sew it on the shirt. I want it too look something like this:

I have two different fabrics on an orange shirt. I haven't decide which one....maybe I'll use both...

3-- I'm still waiting on my 3rd pair glasses in 2 months. (Audrey is the culprit for both broken pairs.) After a disastrous outing to Lens Crafters, I went back a second day and picked some new frames. This was at a Lens Crafters without a lab meaning I would have to order. Nine days after ordering, our answering machine told me that the new lenses didn't pass the safety checklist. A second set of lenses would have to be ordered. I guess more waiting is better than have the lenses shatter in my eye during my next bout with Audrey the Destroyer!

4-- I took Henry to a different Pediatric Dentist for a second opinion on filling his cavities. (The first Ped. Dentist wanted to use general anesthesia.....$$$). So after this appointment, we're going with the second dentist!! 1-- He only sees two areas that truly need addressing and 2-- this treatment can be done in-office. The second dentist office is much more conservative and like me, doesn't want to scar the boy!!

5-- I have several co-workers that are hard-core in to coupons.... not that there's anything wrong with that! I'm talking stores paying them hard-core; cart-load of groceries for $5 hard-core. I thought 2010 was going to be the Year of the Coupon for our house, but try as I might, I can't seem to remember to bring/use the coupons I print or cut out!

6-- This is what happens when Audrey repeatedly pulls out her pigtails!!

7-- Jess and I are trying to decide where to go for our this year's Anniversary trip. It will be in April and against our better judgement, the children will be tagging along too! Any suggestions?

8-- Another movie review....
Over the weekend we saw "The Invention of Lying." When it was in the theaters we thought it looked funny and so we tagged it for our NetFlix queue. The premise is that there are no lies... until one day. Ricky Gervais's character decides to fib and chaos ensues. Overall, I guess I would give it 3 stars (of 5). What bothered me was that since there was no lying, characters said every thought in their head sans filter. As in-- on a blind date, Jennifer Garner's character blatantly tells Ricky Gervais's character that he has an ugly squat nose and that she doesn't find him attractive. Annoying!

9-- Today's Deal! I had trouble passing up this bargain! Target $7.49.....love me some clearance!!

10-- We went to Bouncertown today! Playing and jumping was had by all. Audrey did her usual climbing up the ladder and not sliding down, but Henry was all over the place....broke a sweat even.
but what did Henry glom on to in the snack bar...

Photobucket Kai Lan!


Leslie said...

I also watched the invention of lying from my netflix this week. I agree with on 3 stars. But when have also watched midnight meat train and black dynamite in the same week, the invention of lying is not that bad!!!! I would waste your time on the other movies.

I am impressed with the clearance find. Now if only your "binder" wasn't collecting dust.

Lacey said...

I'm late, but here nonetheless! The new template looks great! And, yay for the less-traumatic dentist plan for Mr. Henry!

Grandma Rita said...

Hey, hi! Am lovin' the new format! Very cool. How clever are vous? Loved the green-handed-Audrey monster and the bathroom teepee party. Looked like loads of fun. I really enjoy these peeks into "livin' the dream" in Mooresville and beyond. Keep on keepin' on, toots.

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