10 on Tuesday

~Ten on Tuesday~

1. As I was willing myself awake this morning, Henry was playing around on our bed. At one point he stood up and said, "I like myself." This is coming on the heels of Henry's declaration that he has 3 best friends, "Mommy, Daddy, & Audrey!" Maybe I'm/we're doing something right after all.

2. In the same morning romp, because I still hadn't gotten up, Audrey climbs up in our bed, too. She and I were cuddling and it was turning into quite the Hallmark moment. Just as the Hallmark Crown and soft music were about to appear, Audrey whacks me in the eye with a Happy Meal toy. Note: No glasses were harmed! I wasn't yet wearing my glasses.

3. Why is it that the most annoying Happy Meal toys have the longest staying power with my children?? Why can't the noisy ones be the ones that get lost and broken? When it was the talking Madagascar toys, I can't tell you how many times I heard, "I'm Alex, the Alex." Now we're on the Penguins of Madagascar and this one is even more annoying than Alex, the Alex. Skipper (Rico, as Henry calls him) has some motion sensor that makes some incessant "wee-oh, wee-oh" noise. It's these menacing toys that even Audrey sleeps with!

4. Jesse and I watched a good, but quite frankly, kind of disturbing movie this weekend-- "Phoebe in Wonderland." After viewing, I wish it had Lisa Kudrow and Smelly Cat, but it was about a little girl (Dakota Fanning's sister....Elle seems to be the better actress) and her fantasy with "Alice in Wonderland." http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1809912209/info
Throughout the movie, it shows the girl with OCD-like behavior and some problematic outbursts. Having a daughter, Jesse and I could help but comment, "this is scary." No parent wishes their child to have a mental illness. Not to give it away, but there is a half-way decent resolution at the end.

5. Last night as I was checking my email, Audrey noticed I was not in the living room. It only took her about a minute to realize I wasn't there before she was barreling through the kitchen and at my feet, "UP". She sat on my lap for a bit, then turned around to be held. Five minutes later, she was OUT like a light. Awwww!

6. As we were brushing our teeth, Jesse noticed that I was about 2/3 of the way into the book I was reading. He commented, "whoa, you've been reading! When do you read??" I thought to myself, "Exactly!" (The book is, "True Colors" by Kristin Hannah....trying a different author and haven't quite decided if I like her...she may use too many words for my taste.)

7. My two monsters after their bath...I knew as soon as I found Henry's towel at Kohls, I had to do a monster shot!

8. As we were headed out and about this afternoon, I asked Henry what he would like for lunch. He said, "soup....cheesy soup....and a sandwich, too...to dip in the soup!" I knew instantly that he was referring to Panera. Is it just me or has Panera gotten a little out of control with their pricing?!?!?! Just for Henry, Audrey, and I to have lunch there, it was $25. Granted, I shouldn't have gotten the two milks, but really....this is LUNCH for an adult and two toddlers!!

9. Let's play a game: Riddly Riddly Ree, I see something you don't see and the color is "Tan"

In the arctic tundra that is our backyard-- the tire tracks and foot prints have been covered by even more new snow. Guess it's time for some more sledding! As the snow continued to fall yesterday-- I, on my own volition, decided to try to plow the driveway. (Our 4-wheeler has a plow attachment). Passersby must have been shaking their heads, "what is that chick trying to do....clear the snow or make more of a mess!?!?" The quality of my work may have been questionable, but I did clear somewhat of path for our cars before my fingers were frozen.

(PS- the answer to the riddle: somewhere in the wide expanse is a tan sand box).

10. I was thinking these things up this morning and was sure that I had 10, but now I can't think of the last one. So, I guess #10 is an homage to my failing memory. There are things that locked away like a steal trap, but others just fly right through; from one ear to the other! My mother says, "I take pills for that!" I just might have to start!

Happy Tuesday!


Lacey said...

Oh, the blasted Happy Meal toys. True story: The other night, within minutes of settling into bed and out of nowhere comes "Way to go, Mom-zilla!" Brayden had left his Sid from Ice Age toy on my nightstand. Still wondering what set it off seeing as I was just laying in bed. When I told him about it the next day, he thought it was hilarious!

Grandma Rita said...

#1: Keep these memories close and make Henry revisit them when he's a teenager!
#2: Better that than a head-butt! Owww, I can still feel those.
#9: Never did see the sandbox!
#10: I do and you know what? They don't work!

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