10 on Tuesday

Ten on Tuesday....next time I'll add pictures (I promise!!)

1- Henry was referred to a Pediatric Dentist for not one, not two, not three, but four whopping cavities. I was pretty distraught about as it sort of reflects poorly on our parenting. The pediatric dentist said the cavities are related to how the teeth developed and that, in essence, it wasn't my/our fault. To get them repaired is a different (& costly) story....

2- Hooray, Audrey is now keeping barrettes in her hair longer and longer. I may even try a ponytail soon!

3- Speaking of Audrey....Yesterday while playing another rousing game of "look Ma, I'm runnin', come chase me, " I snatched her up only to get kicked straight in the glasses. Apparently, Audrey's foot made contact with the most fragile part of my 6-week old frames. Off to Lens Crafters we went. Because they didn't have replacement frames, I had to choose new frames! Picking frames is stressful enough...and to do it with two children. No more purple frames....now a brushed bronze!

4- At the start of the year, I decided to start watching what I eat and make better food choices. I don't really log what I eat, but I've cut back calorie-wise and have lost ~10 pounds. Still have a long way to go to meet my (first) goal, but I'm getting there!

5-Sunday, after the kids and I had breakfast with my visiting-from-out-of-town Cousins, we came home to find the toys picked up and the floors vacuumed. Talk about WOW! I love these kinds of surprises-- especially the kinds with me NOT cleaning. Henry and Audrey, of course, made sure to see that change in record time!

6- Our twin niece and nephew are having their 5th birthday party at the Skate Palace. Truth be told, I'm a little excited about it. 1- Because I think it will be cute to see Henners in a tiny pair of skates. (Note to self: please remember to ask about tightening the wheels) 2- Because I used to LOVE roller skating as a child. BC (before children), I used to roller blade all the time and loved it.

7- This cold weather can go away any time now. I won't be sad when Spring finally arrives! I'm definitely a warm weather girl!

8- Why is it that laundry never ends?!?! Our washer was empty for a little over a day last week and I about did a happy dance. There always seems to be a load to wash and 3 or 4 to put away! You'd think our collective wardrobes would be a bit more full given the amount of laundry I do.

9- Anyone know where I can find a good deal on a two-wheeler bike for a certain little boy's 4th birthday in April? In test-driving at the store, looks like he's ready for an 18", but will certainly will need training wheels!

whew! this is hard.....
and finally,

10- hmmmmm...Henry is all about the jumping these days. He's always loved jumping, but lately, it seems he's jumping all.the.time. He jumps over anything he can and down from just about anything he can. Just yesterday, he jumped from the top bunk of his bunk beds over the bottom bunk (they're shaped in an "L") and cleared it by a good foot! Jesse and I were kind of dumbfounded, but were quick to ask him to (carefully) try it again!


Lacey said...

1. I'll let you slide (AGAIN) on the no pics--next time, I dunno....
2. 4 Juvenile Cavities AND new glasses damaged??? What a week this is shaping up to be, eh? Sorry to hear it!
3. Yay for you & your 10lb loss! That's awesome!
4. Excited you'll be joining us for a skating shindig! I'll cheer for you skilled skaters from the sidelines. (Since I, as a child, never met with success in skating. And by never met with success I mean never could stay upright on skates. I haven't tried it since.)

Hope your week improves STAT! See you Sunday!

Grandma Rita said...

Can't wait to see the pix from the skating party!

If you're getting Henry a bike for b-day, I'll get the helmet, the elbow pads, knee pads, and the arm and shin guards. ;-)

Anonymous said...

+ congrats, too, on the 10# bye-bye!


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