10 on Tuesday

This post is dedicated to Henry. He, like most 3 year-olds, says some pretty funny stuff. Insightful, at times, but mostly the fodder of "how does he come up with this stuff?" For this week's ToT, I wanted to transcribe for all of the Internet and my fading memory, a list of words that are currently in Henry's vocabulary. For some of the words, one can tell the derivation. While others, one is left doing some head scratching.

1- "Manna" - Banana
2- "Pontino" - Volcano
3- "Crayground" - Playground
4- "Swissers" - Scissors
5- "Stirffy" - Thirsty
6- "Puter" - Computer
7- "Mamote" - Remote
8- "Pomp" - Pop
9- "Hoo...Hoo" - attempting to whistle for the dog or to get Audrey's attention
10- "Pasketti" - Spaghetti (cliche', but he does say it that way)


Lacey said...

At our house, #1 is Bamanna. :- ) Funny to see that Henry is still attached to his grabber that he never put down on Sunday!

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